Pa fodd O Dduw y ceidw llanc?

(SALM CXIX - Rhan I)
Pa fodd, O Dduw, y ceidw llanc,
  Sydd ieuanc, ei holl lwybrau?
Wrth ymgadw yn ol dy air,
  Pob llwybr a gair yn oleu.

Bydded fy nghalon yn berffaith
  Yn dy lān gyfraith, Arglwydd:
Fel nas gorchuddier yn y byd,
  Fy wynebpryd ā gwaradwydd.

Gan ddisgwyl am dy iechyd di,
  Mae f'enaid i mewn diffyg:
Yn gwylied beunydd wrth dy air,
  Arglwydd, cair fi'n ddiddig.

Mor gu, O Arglwydd, genyf fi,
  Dy ddeddf di a'th gyfammod!
Ac ar y rhai'n, o ddydd i ddydd,
  Y bydd fy holl fyfyrdod.

Cymmerais yn 'difeddiaeth lān,
  Byth weithiau dy orch'mynion;
O herwydd mai hwynt-hwy y sydd,
  Lawenydd mawr i'm calon.

Gostyngais i fy nghalon bur
  I wneuthur, drwy orfoledd,
Dy ddeddfau di tra fwy'n y byd,
  A hyny hyd y diwedd.

               - - - - -

Pa fodd, O Dduw, y ceidw llanc,
  Sydd ieuanc, ei holl lwybrau?
Wrth ymgadw yn ol dy air,
  Pob llwybr a gair yn oleu.

I'm calon cuddiais dy air di,

  Rhag i mi bechu yn d'erbyn;

Arglwydd, bendigaid ydwyt ti,

  O! dysg i mi d'orchymyn.

Dy gyfiawn farn,
    a'r gwir air tau,

  A mawl gwefusau traethais;

A'th dystiolaethau di i gyd,

  Uwch holl dda'r
      byd a hoffais.

Bydd dda i'th was,
    a byw a wna,

  A'th air a gadwa'n berffaith;

A'm llygaid agor cli ar led

  I weled rhin dy gyfraith.

O'th nawdd oddi wrthyf
    tŷn ffordd gau,

  A dysg im ddeddfau crefydd;

Dewisais ffordd gwirionedd; hon

  Sydd ger fy mron i beunydd.

Duw! ffordd dy ddeddfau dysg i mi,
  Dros f'einioes hi a gadwaf;
O! par im ddeall y ddeddf hon,
  O'm calon fe'i cyflawnaf.

              - - - - -
        1,2,4,5,6;  1,3,4,(5),6.

Pa fodd, O Dduw, y ceidw llanc,
  Sydd ieuanc, ei holl lwybrau?
Wrth gadw rheol lān dy air,
  Pob llwybr a gair yn oleu.

Mor gu, O Arglwydd, genyf fi,
  Dy ddeddf di a'th gyfammod!
Ac ar y rhai'n, o ddydd i ddydd,
  Y bydd fy holl fyfyrdod.

I'm calon cuddiais dy air cu,

  Rhag i mi bechu'n d'erbyn:

O Dduw, bendigaid ydwyt ti,

  O dysg i mi d'orchymyn.

Dychrynais rhag annuwiol rai,
  A dorai'th gyfraith hynod:
Dy ddeddfau di yw'm caniad per
  Yn nhy fy mhererindod.

Duw, gwn mai iawn yw'th farnau di,
  Cystuddiaist fi yn ffyddlon;
Dod nawdd er cysur i dy was,
  Trwy'th ras a'th addewidion.

Gan ddysgwyl am dy iechyd di,
  Mae f'enaid i'n diffygio;
Yn gwylied beunydd wrth dy air
  O Arglwydd, cair fi'n effro.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Irish (Hymns and Sacred Poems 1749)
Roche Abbey (Thomas W Staniforth 1845-1909)
St Trond (alaw Ellmynig)
Silesia (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)

  Rhan II - A'th eiriau y bywheaist fi
  Rhan II - O'm genau na ddwg dy air gwir
  Rhan III - Mor gu O Arglwydd gennyf fi
  Pob cyfryw ddyn y sydd a'i daith
  Ymddyrcha Dduw y nef uwchlaw

(Psalm 119 - part 1)
How shall, O God, the lad, who is young,
  Keep all his paths?
By keeping himself according to thy word,
  Every path to be got in light.

May my heart be perfect
  In thy holy law, Lord:
Thus shall not be covered in the world,
  My countenance with shame.

While watching for thy salvation,
  My soul is in deficiency:
Waiting daily on thy word,
  Lord, I may get to be content.

How dear, O Lord, to me,
  Thy law and thy covenant!
And on these, from day to day,
  Shall be my whole meditation.

I took as a holy inheritance,
  Forever thy commandments;
Because it is they that are,
  A great joy to my heart.

I humbled my pure heart
  To do, through rejoicing,
Thy laws while ever I am in the world,
  And this until the end.

               - - - - -

How shall, O God, the lad, who is young,
  Keep all his paths?
By keeping himself according to thy word,
  Every path to be got in light.

Into my heart I hid thy word,

  Lest I sin against thee;

Lord, blessed art thou,

  O teach my thy commandment.

Thy righteous judgment,
     and the truth of thy word,

  And the praise of lips I expounded;

And and all thy testimonies,

  Above all the face of the
      world I favoured.

Be good to thy servant,
    and live I shall,

  And thy word I shall keep perfectly;

And my eye open thou wide

  To see the merit of thy law.

Of thy protection, away from me
    take a false road,

  And teach me the way of belief

I chose the way of truth; this

  Is before me daily.

God, the way of thy laws teach to me!
  Over my lifespan I shall keep it;
O make me understand this decree!
  From my heart I will fulfil it.

              - - - - -

How, O God, shall a youth keep,
  Who is young, all his paths?
By keeping the pure rule of thy word,
  Every path that is to be had in light.

How dear, O Lord, to me, is
  Thy law and thy covenant!
And upon those, from day to day,
  Shall be my whole meditation.

In my heart I hid thy dear word,

  Lest I sin against thee:

O God, blessed art thou,

  O teach to me thy commandment!

I was terrified by ungodly ones,
  Who would break thy notable law:
Thy statutes are my sweet song
  In the house of my pilgrimage.

God, I know that true are thy judgments,
  Thou didst afflict me faithfully;
Bring protection for thy servant's comfort,
  Through thy grace and thy promise.

While waiting for thy salvation,
  My soul is failing;
Expecting daily thy word,
  O Lord, keeps me alert.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
 9 How shall the young preserve their ways
     from all pollution free?
   By making still their course of life
     with thy commands agree.

10 With hearty zeal for thee I seek,
     to thee for succor pray;
   O suffer not my careless steps
     from thy right paths to stray,

11 Safe in my heart, and closely hid,
      thy word, my treasure, lies;
   To succour me with timely aid,
       when sinful thoughts arise.

12 Secured by that my grateful soul,
      shall ever bless thy Name:
   O teach me then by thy just laws,
      my future life to frame.

14 Whilst in the way of thy commands
      more solid joy I found,
   Than had I been with vast increase
      of envied riches crowned.

16 To keep thy statutes un-defaced
      shall be my constant joy;
   The strict remembrance of thy word
      shall all my thoughts employ.

                - - - - -

 9 How shall the young preserve their ways
     from all pollution free?
   By making still their course of life
     with thy commands agree.

11 Safe in my heart, and closely hid,
      thy word, my treasure, lies;
   To succour me with timely aid,
       when sinful thoughts arise.

12 Secured by that my grateful soul,
      shall ever bless thy Name:
   O teach me then by thy just laws,
      my future life to frame.

13 My lips, unlocked by pious zeal,
     to others have declared,
   How well the judgments of thy mouth
     deserve our best regards.

14 Whilst in the way of thy commands
     more solid joy I found,
   Than had I been with vast increase
     of envied riches crowned.

17 Be gracious to thy servant, Lord,
     do thou my life defend,
   That I, according to thy word,
     my future time may spend.

18 Enlighten both my eyes and mind,
     that so I may discern
   The wondrous things which they behold,
     who thy just precepts learn.

29 Far, far from me be all false ways
     and lying arts removed!
   the path by thee approved.
     But kindly grant I still may keep.

30 Thy faithful ways, thou God of truth, 
     my happy choice I've made;
   Thy judgments, as my rule of life,
     before me always laid.

33 Instruct me in thy statutes, Lord,
     thy righteous paths display;
   And I from them, through all my life,
     will never go astray.

              - - - - -

 9 How shall the young preserve their ways
     from all pollution free?
   By making still their course of life
     with thy commands agree.

10 With hearty zeal for thee I seek,
     to thee for succor pray;
   O suffer not my careless steps
     from thy right paths to stray,

11 Safe in my heart, and closely hid,
      thy word, my treasure, lies;
   To succour me with timely aid,
       when sinful thoughts arise.

12 Secured by that my grateful soul,
      shall ever bless thy Name:
   O teach me then by thy just laws,
      my future life to frame.

29 Far, far from me be all false ways
     and lying arts removed!
   the path by thee approved.
     But kindly grant I still may keep.

30 Thy faithful ways, thou God of truth,
     my happy choice I've made;
   Thy judgments, as my rule of life,
     before me always laid.

33 Instruct me in thy statutes, Lord,
     thy righteous paths display;
   And I from them, through all my life,
     will never go astray.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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